Daniel Prince
Community Eligibility Provision keeps parents from having to fill out free or reduced-price applications
The Union County School District is once again participating in the Community Eligibility Provision for the 2022-2023 school year. This means that all students enrolled in the district may participate in the school breakfast and lunch program at no cost to them. Families will not have to fill out free or reduced-price meal applications. Breakfast and lunch meals follow the United States Department of Agriculture guidelines for healthy school meals. Students are encouraged to participate in the school meal programs. For more information, contact Food Service Director Jonathan Smoak at 429-1748 ext. 717 or email jsmoak@union.k12.sc.us. Parents or guardians who do not want their children to participate in CEP can discuss the matter informally with Smoak. To make a formal appeal, make a request orally or in writing to Finance Director Kelly Richardson at 130 West Main Street for a hearing to appeal the decision.