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Bob Love Sworn in as Interim Supervisor

Clerk of Court Melanie Lawson swears in Bob Love as Interim Supervisor
Interim Supervisor Bob Love addresses those attending the swearing-in ceremony

Daniel Prince

Love will work on transition to the new government building, economic development

Interim Union County Supervisor Bob Love was sworn in during a brief ceremony in front of the fountain on the first floor of the Union County Courthouse Friday morning. His wife, Fran Love, held the Bible for him as Clerk of Court Melanie Lawson administered the oath of office. Afterward, Love made a few remarks to the crowd, which consisted of elected officials, county employees, members of his Sunday School class at Grace United Methodist Church, and other well-wishers. WBCU News was on hand. The audio quality was not good enough to air, but here is some of what Love had to say:

“The county is in great shape—financially, very stable; the economic trends for growth are very good…I promise continuity. I promise to do my very best and work hard to keep things on track, to keep things on the rails. I have a couple of things specifically I’m going to work on. I promised Frank Hart I would get all the transitions done to the new building (the relocation of many county offices to the former South State Bank building on Main Street across from the courthouse), so we’ll work on that and hope we can get that done before the election in November. I also promised I’d help Dolton Williams in any way I could with economic development, focusing on the Trakas park, especially. The goal of all that is to make a smooth handoff to the new person elected in November. So in these days ahead, I’m going to do my very best.”

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