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Governor Officially Appoints Bob Love as Union County Supervisor

Daniel Prince

Love will serve until January 3, when newly elected supervisor will be sworn in

Governor Henry McMaster issued an executive order Tuesday officially appointing Bob Love as Union County Supervisor. He will serve in the post until after the winner of this November’s election is sworn in on January 3, 2023. Voters will go to the polls on November 8th to choose between Republican Phillip Russell and Democrat Timika Wilson.

The full text of the executive order can be seen on our WBCU Facebook page, as well as in the photos above. Section 4-9-90 of the South Carolina Code of Laws states that vacancies occurring on the governing body of a county are generally “filled in the manner of original election for the unexpired terms in the next general election after the vacancy occurs or by special election if the vacancy occurs 180 days or more prior to the next general election.” Since the November 8 election is less than 180 days away, the office would otherwise be vacant until after the election if an interim was not appointed. The Union County Legislative Delegation recommended Robert Lee “Bob” Love, Jr. to serve as Union County Supervisor on a temporary basis. Love is not a candidate in the election. Sections 1-3-220 and 4-11-20 of the code of laws authorizes the governor to appoint a suitable person, who is an elector of the county—in other words, who is eligible to register to vote in the county—to serve in the office.

The order ends, “Now, therefore, by virtue of the authority vested in me as Governor of the State of South Carolina and pursuant to the Constitution and Laws of this State and the powers conferred upon me therein, I hereby appoint Robert Lee Love, Jr. to serve as Supervisor of Union County until a successor shall qualify as provided by law. This Order is effective immediately.”

A swearing-in date for Love has not been announced, but it is expected to happen soon.

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