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Kindergarten Registration Continues at Area Elementary Schools

Daniel Prince

Foster Park registration is today, with Jonesville and Monarch set for next week

Four-year-old and five-year-old kindergarten registration is continuing over the next week or so. The birthdate cutoff is September 1, 2022, so children going into 4K must be 4 years old on or before that date, and those going into 5K must be 5 on or before that date. There is a QR code on the registration flyer and a link on our Facebook page to a form for a 4K prescreening and 5K registration appointment.

Buffalo Elementary held their registration this past Tuesday. Foster Park Elementary will hold theirs today. Jonesville registration will be February 15, and Monarch’s is set for February 17.

Bring your child with you, they each child will be screened for developmental milestones. Also, bring the child’s official certificate of immunization, child’s long-form birth certificate or other proof of age, proof of residence (tax receipt, utility bill, mortgage or lease agreement, etc.), Medicaid ID card (if applicable), and Social Security Card (optional). Please wear a mask to registration. Social distancing will be maintained. Children must register at their zoned school. If you are unsure, there is a link on our Facebook page to the district zoning map.

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