Daniel Prince
Vote online at fsioffice.com/tow
For the third time this school year, a Union County teacher has made the top 10 in the FSI Office Teacher of the Week competition. Ashley Dill with the Union County Career and Technology Center is competing for the Teacher of the Week honor this week.
According to her nomination, Dill creates innovative ways to help her students learn industry skills to prepare them for careers in the agricultural industry. Some of the projects she utilizes includes hanging mobiles, student created diagrams, hands-on rabbit projects, various livestock show projects, animal reproductive models to simulate artificial insemination, animal head/neck model to simulate injections, and more. Students participating in her courses have the chance to gain industry certifications. Last year, she spearheaded a Partners in Active Learning Support program between the Union County FFA Chapter and the Union County High School special needs programs. She obtained multiple grants and sponsorships allowing the FFA chapter to construct a learning garden for the PALS program. The program assists special needs students to learn skills needed after transitioning to adult programs through Union County Disabilities.
To vote for Dill, head to fsioffice.com/tow and click the link to vote for the Teacher of the Week. You can vote from multiple devices, but only once per device. The other teacher of the week nominees from Union County were Melissa Justice and Andy Breitenbach.
All nominees receive a sample pack from FSIoffice and its sponsors to congratulate them on their nominations. The weekly top 10 teachers receive a large box of supplies from FSIoffice’s sponsors, delivered by FSIoffice personnel. The weekly winner receives a storage tote full of supplies, including a carton of paper and two tickets to the November 7th Panthers/Patriots game where the Teacher of the Year will be announced. The Teacher of the Year receives a $5000 credit to use at fsioffice.com for classroom supplies.