Daniel Prince
Battle took place 242 years ago on August 19, 1780
The Battle of Musgrove Mill State Historic Site will once again commemorate the battle’s anniversary in a special event. On Saturday, August 20, a commemoration will be held at the park’s visitors center from 10-noon, led by local chapters of the Children of the American Revolution, Daughters of the American Revolution, and Sons of the American Revolution. Following the commemoration, light refreshments will be available. From 1-2:30, there will be a Ranger Battlefield Talk on the history of the battle. The one-hour lecture will cover the history of why the battle occurred, the specifics of the battle itself, and the importance of the battle to the Patriot cause. The event is free to the public. If you plan to attend, bring lawn chairs and bottled water, and prepare for the weather. The Battle of Musgrove Mill took place on August 19, 1780, 242 years ago. For more information on the event, call the park at 864-938-0100 or email mgmillsp@scprt.com.