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Blood Drive Scheduled Today at Walmart

Daniel Prince

Donors needed to increase supply of blood in the community

The community is on the verge of a blood shortage, but you can help. The Blood Connection has a blood drive planned today at Walmart of Union from 2-7 p.m. All donors will receive a $20 eGift card.

The local blood supply is now critically low after months of historically low blood donor turnout. In fact, the blood supply now is in an even more unstable position than it was at the beginning of the pandemic. Local hospitals have consumed twice as much blood as the community has donated. The Blood Connection relies on community blood donors to prevent a blood emergency like a shortage. Consistent blood donations are the only solution to getting the blood supply back to needed levels.

Remember that you can donate blood regardless of whether you have been vaccinated for COVID-19. All blood donations are tested for COVID antibodies, both from natural response and vaccination response. The Blood Connection supplies blood products to more than 80 hospitals in the Carolinas and Georgia.

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