Daniel Prince
Bridge repairs might not be finished until 2025 or 2026
Those traveling on Sardis Road over the Tyger River will need to detour, as the bridge has been closed to traffic due to issues found during a routine inspection. The bridge will likely remain closed for quite some time, as the initial estimated date of completion for the project is September 1, 2025, though the DOT website lists a reopening date as far out as July of 2026. The detour route runs just over 13 miles. Beginning at the intersection of Sardis Road and Bishop Road, turn left onto Bishop Road and go 4.38 miles to Highway 49/Cross Keys Highway. Turn left onto Highway 49 and go for 1.35 miles and turn left onto Bombing Range Road. Then go 2.85 miles before turning left on Old Buncombe Road. After that, go 3.31 miles and turn left on Galilee Church Road. From there, it is 2.18 miles back to Sardis Road. Anyone traveling from Union to Rose Hill Plantation State Historic Site down Sardis Road will need to use that detour.