Daniel Prince
Council hears about Unite Us, an organization bridging health and social care
At Tuesday’s Union City Council meeting, council unanimously passed second and final reading of the regional wastewater agreement between the Town of Carlisle, Union County, and the City of Union. The plan calls for the upgrades of the town’s seven existing pump stations and the construction of two new pump stations to pump the town’s wastewater to the Beltline treatment facility. Work on the existing pump stations is already underway, and the two new pump stations are expected to be bid out around the first of the year. The work is expected to be complete by June 2023, at which point the city will take over ownership of the town’s wastewater system. The county has committed up to $50,000 for costs associated with the sewer line grants the town is receiving and up to $85,000 for the costs of an environmental review, legal fees, and acquisition of rights of ways and easements. In addition, if there are overages in the project that the town cannot pay from its budget or from additional grants, the county will pay up to $445,000. The Town of Carlisle will be charged a base minimum monthly charge of $2500, and an additional $5.78 per 1000 gallons used. The cost will be split among the town’s residents.
In other news, Mayor Harold Thompson recognized nine city employees for their October work anniversaries. From the Public Safety Department, Rusty Young celebrates 21 years, Mickey Parker has been there 20 years, and Dell Mitchell was honored for 16 years of service. From the Street Department, Steve Means was honored for 20 years of service, and Immanuel Kershaw has been with the city for 7 years. From the Finance Department, Sarah Cobb was honored for 18 years of service, and Laura Hembree celebrates 14 years. Dwayne Hardy has been with the Street & Sanitation Department for 19 years. Brett Adams with the Gas Department was recognized for 6 years with the city.
Tiffany Crooks with an organization called Unite Us addressed council. She said the organization serves as a bridge between health care and social care. They are a network allowing one agency to send secure referrals to another agency for services. Crooks explains:
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The agency gets its funding from hospital corporations across the state and several state government agencies. It was founded in 2013 by two veterans who initially envisioned it as a way to connect veterans to services, but they found that the network was needed by others in the state, so they expanded their mission. Unite Us is growing rapidly and is now found in all 50 states.
In other business items, council also unanimously passed second and final reading of the business license ordinance with two appendices for a rate and class schedule. This brings the city into full compliance with the South Carolina Business License Tax Standardization Act, which was passed by the state General Assembly in September 2020.
In new business, council unanimously passed first reading to amend the City of Union zoning map to rezone property at 735 Thompson Boulevard, from Residential R-10 to Business A-2, highway commercial. Robert Small owns the property and requested the rezoning to allow him to construct self-storage units on the property. The site is a vacant 7.10-acre parcel. His application also mentions possible multifamily residential units. A public hearing was held prior to the meeting, but no comments were received. Should he go forward with apartments on the property, an additional Special Exception approval would be required by the Board of Zoning Appeals.