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City Council to Hold Public Hearing and Regular Meeting Tonight

Daniel Prince

Wastewater agreement with Carlisle, traffic devices on Park Drive among agenda items

Union City Council will meet this evening at Union City Hall, at 101 Sharpe Avenue. A public hearing is planned at 6 p.m. to solicit public comments in connection with rezoning property located at 735 Thompson Boulevard from residential R-10 to business A-2 (highway commercial).

The regular monthly meeting will start at 6:30 p.m. Community Engagement Manager Tiffany Crooks will speak to council about an organization called Unite Us. Nine city employees will be honored for their work anniversaries, ranging from 6 to 21 years of service. Council will hold second reading on the regional wastewater agreement between the City of Union, Town of Carlisle, and Union County. They will also hold second reading on the business license ordinance with a rate and class schedule.

There will be a discussion and possible motion on an amendment to the City of Union zoning map. Robert Small has requested that the property at 735 Thompson Boulevard, which is currently vacant, be rezoned for commercial use. He proposes to use the site for mini warehouses.

There will also be discussion and a possible motion regarding traffic calming devices on Park Drive. Councilman Greg Addison emailed City Clerk Gloria Rogers requesting the item be placed on the agenda. The request is to install a traffic calming device, likely a speed bump, on a state-maintained road, Park Drive.

An executive session is planned to deal with a personnel matter before the meeting adjourns.

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