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City Council Votes to Support Miracle League, Livestock Association at its Meeting

Daniel Prince

Council interviews candidates for Utility Director position in executive session

Union City Council held its August meeting Tuesday night at Union City Hall. Dolton Williams and Michelle Betenbaugh briefed council on the upcoming Capital Project Sales Tax referendum that voters will decide on in November.

Four city employees were honored for August work anniversaries. Vic Kingsmore has been with the city for 13 years, Brad Weaver for 17 years, Billy Smith for 23 years, and Gloria Rogers for 30 years.

In new business, council passed a resolution authorizing the execution of a lease purchase agreement. During the budget workshops, City Council voted to enter into a lease purchase agreement to get a vacuum truck for the street department. Bids for the truck have been solicited. To execute the agreement, council had to pass a resolution.

Next on the agenda was the Miracle League of Union County. Back in June, seven Miracle League of Union County players were chosen to represent the league in the National Miracle League All Star Game, which will be held in Houston, TX, on November 5-7. The Miracle League has covered all the expenses for the trip except for airfare. City Council voted to allocate $2000 to the Miracle League for that purpose.

Third was a sponsorship request from the Union County Livestock Association. The Upstate Livestock Show will be held September 23-25 at the Union County Fairgrounds, featuring a beef show, dairy show, and meat goat show. The group requested a $1500 sponsorship to match the county’s sponsorship. Council voted to support the event with $1500.

Finally, Elise Ashby made a presentation on behalf of FoodShare Union County, requesting funding for that organization. She noted the group has received a $15,000 start-up grant from FoodShare SC. The group has submitted grants for funding to two federal agencies and four large corporate foundations. The group is looking for a permanent location. She said the group is talking to Timika Wilson, a board member of the L.W. Long Community Resource Center about being housed there. Funding would be needed for minor renovations to the space. The proposal noted that if the city had a building that would be available to donate to the group, that would be greatly appreciated, too. City Council voted to table the request until a later time.

Council then voted to enter executive session for utility director interviews. Council interviewed a total of three candidates on Tuesday.

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