Daniel Prince
Board of Zoning Appeals and Building Appeals Board need members
The City of Union has an open position on the Board of Zoning Appeals. The position is a three-year term that expires December 31, 2024. The Board of Zoning Appeals works closely with the City of Union Planning Department and hears and makes decisions on appeals dealing with the City of Union Zoning Ordinance.
There are two open positions on the Building Appeals Board. Those are for four-year terms expiring on December 31, 2025. The Building Appeals Board also works closely with the City of Union Planning Department. It hears and makes decisions on appeals dealing with the City of Union Code of Ordinances and International Building Codes. The positions are appointed by the mayor and City Council.
Anyone interested in serving on the boards should contact the City of Union Planning Department in writing by Monday, December 13. The address is PO Box 987, Union, SC 29379.