Daniel Prince
Other ordinances deal with transfers of property
At Tuesday’s Union County Council meeting, council unanimously passed the third and final reading on three different ordinances. The first was on a quit claim deed for an unopened street in Carlisle. Council voted to transfer the right-of-way in question to the City of Union for use in its regional wastewater project with the Town of Carlisle. The ordinance also allows for any future transfers to be handled by resolution.
The second ordinance creates a multi-county industrial and business park to be known as the Dolgencorp, LLC Multi-County Park. The park will be developed in conjunction with Spartanburg County. Under the agreement, Union County will pay all the expenses of the park, and they will retain 99% of the revenues from the park, paying the other 1% to Spartanburg County. The park is being created as Dollar General is set to expand its distribution center, creating new capital investment and new jobs. All properties within the industrial and business park will pay a fee in lieu of taxes.
The third and final ordinance was to convey county-owned property to Savvy Builders, LLC. The property in question is at 1907 Spartanburg Highway at the Trakas site. Savvy Builders requested an easement for that part of the property to install, operate, and maintain a water line, and the county council decided to transfer that portion of the property to them for $10.
We’ll have more from the meeting in tomorrow’s newscast.