Daniel Prince
Airport lease, land use ordinance among discussion items
Tuesday evening will be busy for local government bodies, as both Union County Council and Union City Council have meetings scheduled. Union County Council did not meet last week because of Election Day, so their regular November meeting will be today at 5:30 p.m. It will be held in the Grand Jury Room at the Union County Courthouse, at 210 West Main Street.
Mary Owens is scheduled to address the council and ask for a donation for her program for senior citizens, Sisters on the Move by Faith Education Center. Council will consider a Christmas meal for county employees. They will consider any requests to fill vacant budgeted positions or for capital funds. They will also consider a special meeting of council. After any reports by elected officials, council will take up a resolution for matching funds for the Renaissance Community Park Project.
There are four ordinances the council will vote on, as well. Council will hold third reading on the ordinance leasing airport property, limited fixed base operator, sale of aviation fuel, and other leases and grants. They will hold first reading of an ordinance for regulations governing development of land in unincorporated Union County. They will hold first reading of a multi-county industrial park agreement for Project Pluto, and they will hold first reading on an ordinance to expand the BMW Multi-County Park.
Interim Supervisor Bob Love will give his report, and council members will present any committee reports they may have. An executive session is planned to discuss a contractual matter and an economic development matter. Back in regular session, they will consider first reading of an amendment to the Union County Budget Ordinance.
The public is invited to attend, and the meeting will be streamed live on the Union County, SC Facebook page.