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County Council to Hold Budget Work Session Ahead of Final Reading

Daniel Prince

Council should have better projected revenue figures as they try and trim budget

The Union County Council will hold another budget work session today at 3:30 p.m. in the Law Library at the Union County Courthouse. They will be discussing funding for the fiscal year 2022-2023. The public is invited to attend. At their last meeting, they were using revenue figures from the most recently completed audit, which was around $19 million. At this meeting, they should have a better grasp on projected revenue figures for the coming year. They whittled the projected deficit at the previous meeting from $2.3 million to around $1.8 million after going through personnel and capital requests. The increased expenditures are largely due to inflationary concerns, higher insurance rates, and the cost-of-living increases and step increases for county employees. The budget has already received two readings. The third and final reading will come during the regular June meeting.

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