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County Council to Hold Several Public Hearings, Monthly Meeting

Daniel Prince

Public hearings set on tax levy, right-of-way transfer, airport lease, property sale, industrial park creation, and infrastructure credits

Union County Council will meet today in the Grand Jury Room at the Union County Courthouse. They will hold several public hearings prior to the regular meeting. At 5 p.m., they will hold a public hearing to receive comments on a proposed resolution to set the tax levy for fiscal year 2022-2023. At 5:10, they will hold a second public hearing to receive comments on a proposed ordinance to transfer right-of-way pertaining to an unopened street in Carlisle. They will then receive comments on a proposed ordinance to lease county-owned property at the Union County Airport. They will also receive comments on a proposed resolution to sell county-owned property to Savvy Builders, LLC. At 5:20, another public hearing will seek public input on a proposed ordinance to develop a joint County Industrial and Business Park to be known as the Dolgencorp, LLC Multi-County Park. They will also receive comments from the public on a proposed ordinance authorizing an infrastructure credit agreement with Project Pluto. The public is invited to attend and participate in all these public hearings.

At 5:30, the regular meeting will open. They will consider a request from the Town of Jonesville. They will then consider requests to fill vacant budgeted positions and requests for capital funds. They will also consider appointments to vacant positions on boards and commissions. After any reports from elected officials, they will vote on three resolutions. The first is to set the tax levy for the current fiscal year. The second is to authorize a second amendment to the FILOT agreement with Mycoworks, Inc. A third resolution is to provide a local match for a fire substation. Council will hold third and final readings on three ordinances. The first is a quit claim deed for an unopened street in the Town of Carlisle. The second is to create the multi-county industrial park for Dolgencorp, LLC. The third is to convey county-owned property to Savvy Builders, LLC. Interim Supervisor Bob Love will give his report to council, followed by any committee reports. An executive session is planned to discuss a contractual matter before the meeting adjourns. The public is invited to attend.

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