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District Will Follow New DHEC Rules for Quarantine

Daniel Prince

Those vaccinated and/or wearing masks affected

In school news, DHEC issued new guidance on quarantine rules for close contacts of those with COVID. According to the new guidelines, if both the person testing positive for COVID and the close contact are wearing a mask, the child that did not test positive would not have to be quarantined.

In addition, fully vaccinated people and those verified to have been infected with COVID in the previous 90 days who are in close contact with someone who tests positive do not have to quarantine if they are symptom-free.

Fully vaccinated people are recommended to get tested 3-5 days after exposure, even if they don’t have symptoms, and to wear a mask at school until 14 days after exposure or they receive a negative test result.

The district will be partnering with DHEC to offer the vaccine for students ages 12 and older whose family has given permission for them to receive it. Parent permission forms will be sent out to parent email accounts inside of the Powerschool system and will also be available at the middle schools and high school starting next week.

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