Daniel Prince
211 is United Way's resource connection hub
The SC Department of Social Services has partnered with the United Way Association of South Carolina to launch a new texting feature to conveniently connect families and individuals to DSS resources. DSS is using the United Way’s 211 service, which is an automated texting platform, to connect users to information such as foster care support and public adoption services quickly and efficiently. To access the service, text DSS to 211211, and a menu of options will appear, with information on foster care, kinship care, adoption, childcare, child support, adult advocacy, SNAP/TANF, and reporting suspected abuse or neglect. Upon making a choice, 211 will respond with a list of resources, making it easier for people to find what they are seeking quickly and clearly. The service is also available in Spanish. The service was made possible through support from Duke Energy to the United Way Association of South Carolina. Find out more at sc211.org.