Daniel Prince
Event will be held from 8-noon this Saturday
The Robin Hood Group and a host of other partners will hold a free Mental and Physical Health Fair Saturday at the Union County Farm and Craft Market. The event will go from 8 a.m. until noon. From 8-9, they will hold a walk and guided physical exercises around Main Street. From 9-9:45, there will be a Zumba session and a group yell. From 10:45-11:45, there will be healthy food tasting and cooking demonstrations. From 9:45-noon, there will be information, food, and resources available at the stalls at the Farm and Craft Market. Closing out the event from 11:45 to noon will be food and prizes and another group yell. We asked Elise Ashby, founder and COO of the Robin Hood Group, to explain what the group yell is:
(audio below story)
The event is free and open to the public Saturday morning.