Daniel Prince
Kelly Wilburn Shropshire has filed to run for School Board District 8
The filing period for nonpartisan offices in Union County opened Monday and will continue through August 15 at noon. According to scvotes.gov, the only person to file so far has been Kelly Wilburn Shropshire, who has filed to run for the School Board District 8 seat currently held by Dr. Wanda All. School Board seats up for election in November will be the District 3 seat, currently held by Mike Massey; the District 4 seat, currently held by Board Chair Gene Lipsey; the District 5 seat, currently held by Mike Cohen, though Cohen has said he will not be running for reelection; the District 8 seat, currently held by Dr. Wanda All; and the District 9 seat, currently held by Dr. Jane Wilkes. City Council seats that will be up for election this November include District 1, held by Tommy Anthony; District 2, held by Robert Garner; and District 5, held by Pamela Garner Sloss. There will also be a couple of seats on the Carlisle Town Council up for vote this election cycle, as well.