Daniel Prince
ESSER funds used to provide the tutoring help over the next three years
If your child needs a little extra help with school, the South Carolina Department of Education has partnered with the South Carolina State Library and tutor.com to offer free, real-time tutoring for all SC residents. The partnership was announced last November and will last three years. The tutoring is paid for through money from the American Rescue Plan’s Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief. Tutor.com is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, for English and Spanish speakers. Connect with a tutor on subjects such as math, science, language arts, social studies, world languages, computer literacy, and AP courses. The site offers test prep assistance, skills coaching, and help with specific math and essay-writing questions. More features can be unlocked with a tutor.com account, but that is optional. You do not have to have an account to connect with a tutor. Visit scdiscus.org to get started. If you need a Discus user name and password, you can call the Discus office at 803-545-0201 or email discusoffice@statelibrary.sc.gov. You can also access tutor.com through the Union County Library System’s website at www.unionlibrary.org. You can then put in your library card number to access the site, or if you don’t have one, there is a code on the site you can use.