Daniel Prince
Help needed to stock the library's community pantry
The Union County Library System reminds you of their virtual and in-person programs they present each week. If you miss a virtual program, like yesterday’s Mindful Monday with Ms. Annie, you can go to the library’s Facebook page or YouTube channel to view it any time you like. Today at 10 a.m., ages birth to 4 are invited to the weekly Tuesday Storytime at 10 a.m. at the Carnegie Library. From 4-6 p.m., the library’s craft event, Make & Take vs. Take & Make is scheduled. You have the option of coming to the library and making a craft to take home with you, or you can come to the library and pick up the supplies you need to make the craft at home. Wednesday at 10 a.m. will be the virtual Toddler Time program.
The library continues to ask for help in stocking their community pantry, which has been a popular addition to the library’s services. They stock non-perishable and perishable foods, but nothing frozen. They also keep a supply of hygiene products. Anyone who needs to can come and anonymously pick up what they need. To donate to the Community Pantry, bring items to the Carnegie Library during business hours. For more information on this or any other library program, call 427-7140.