Daniel Prince
Sheriff calls for help from community in fight against drug problem
In other news from Tuesday’s Lockhart Town Council meeting, council unanimously approved the prioritized community needs list. They discussed the list during the January meeting with a representative from the Catawba Regional Council of Governments. The list is needed in order to apply for Community Development Block Grants from the SC Department of Commerce. There are 9 priorities in all. The top priority on the list is to replace the water main on Summit Drive. The #2 priority is to continue the replacement and upgrade of the old, deteriorated, and corroded sanitary sewer system including the lift stations on Main Street and 7th Street in order to prevent sewage overflow and infiltration. The third priority listed is to upgrade the storm drainage system throughout the town and specifically on Canal Street. They also want to upgrade the existing 6” water lines in the back alleys and upgrade the water service lines to the residences, which was not done in previous projects.
Council then unanimously approved a local match resolution for a Community Development Block Grant for which they are applying. It pertains to replacing the water main on Summit Drive. The line is old and deteriorated and needs to be replaced, and it is important because all other water lines feed off it. The town plans to apply for $946,615 in CDBG funding and for a $500,000 grant from the Rural Infrastructure Authority. The resolution called for a $20,000 cash match to pay for part of the administration and environmental review costs.
In Sheriff Jeff Bailey’s presentation to council, those attending were asked about specific concerns in the community and problem areas that the Community Action Team might need to address. The Lockhart Drive and Canal Street areas were mentioned. Bailey stressed the need to call dispatch to report problems when they are seen, because otherwise, there is no way for his office to know there is a problem. He noted if it is not an emergency situation, they can call the non-emergency number, which is 429-1611, and they can send someone out. Someone asked if anyone other than C-4 Ministries is doing anything about providing services and support systems to get hurting and addicted people connected to other people and to needed resources to try and get them help and get them off drugs. Bailey said there is a Behavioral Health Task Force comprised of 20-25 people from many different careers and backgrounds. They meet to come up with plans and programs to help out with situations like that. Bailey noted that law enforcement has been involved in getting some addicted people into treatment programs in different places, but the person has to want help and do their part to get and stay clean. He said dope sick people aren’t concerned about anything except where to get their next fix. He said it will take entire communities to stand up and fight it as a group before true progress can be made:
(audio below story)