Daniel Prince
Housing group to meet with nine Lockhart residents about roofing repairs
The Lockhart Town Council met briefly Tuesday evening for their regular monthly meeting. Clint Smallwood with the Lockhart Fire Department informed council that the department recently underwent an ISO audit and received a rating of 4, which he noted is good for a small town. He said the department was helped by the new water line the town recently had installed thanks to a Community Development Block Grant. He said the department is working toward a 3 rating and will need to get a few more things and be involved in some things before that can happen. He said communications and water are two major parts of the ISO rating, and he noted that with lower ISO ratings comes lower insurance rates and other benefits.
Mayor Connie Porter informed the council of City Administrator Joe Nichols’ presentation to city council about the feasibility study conducted on the water and sewer systems in Lockhart and Carlisle. She said the councils are set to hold a workshop meeting with engineers and county and city councils on Wednesday, September 14, at Union City Hall. The Carlisle Town Council will meet with them first from 5:30-6:30 p.m., and the Lockhart Town Council will meet with them from 6:45-7:45 p.m.
She also told council that Leslie Brakefield with the I58 housing initiative will be meeting with nine residents to evaluate their need for a new roof under the program. If approved, the roof work would be done for free. Porter said she thought it is a good program for the town.
The meeting then adjourned.