Daniel Prince
Superintendent Joey Haney talks to council about Lockhart School building
Lockhart Town Council met for their first meeting of the year Tuesday night at 7 p.m. at the Lockhart Town Hall. The agenda included a call with Catawba Regional. The town is wrapping up work on the water line project, which was supported by a Community Development Block Grant. According to Town Clerk Shannon Perry, pretty much all that remains is to get the road paved. They have extended the grant period until March to complete that work. Catawba Regional worked with council on its annual Needs Assessment list, which is needed when applying for the CDB grants. Council is expected to adopt the list at its February meeting.
Union County Schools Superintendent and Lockhart native Joey Haney and School Board member Mike Massey, who represents Lockhart on the school board, attended the meeting and talked to the council about the vacant Lockhart School building and gathering ideas for possible uses for the space. Perry said no decisions have been made so far.