Daniel Prince
City of Union applying for infrastructure feasibility study grant from Rural Infrastructure Authority
Lockhart Town Council met last night, but the meeting was delayed by 30 minutes due to phone issues. Mayor Connie Porter and council member Amanda Sweat were there in person, but a third member was needed for the meeting. The mayor tried to get council member Gina Porter on the phone, but cell service was down. Porter was finally reached by phone around 7 p.m., and the meeting commenced.
Mayor Connie Porter read a letter she was sending to Bonnie Ammons, who is the executive director of the SC Rural Infrastructure Authority. The letter urges the group to fund the City of Union’s Infrastructure Feasibility Study Grant. With that grant, the city would study the water and sewer infrastructure for both Lockhart and Carlisle. Council passed a resolution to spend $5000 to pay part of the administrative costs associated with the grant. The resolution states that a condition of a previous funding commitment by Union County was that the town undertake an assessment of the condition of the town’s water and sewer systems and develop a plan for its long-term viability.
In other news, Mayor Porter stated that all council members are now authorized to sign checks on behalf of the town. Two signatures are needed for all checks.
In its final action of the evening, council named Mayor Connie Porter as the town’s authorized representative for American Rescue Plan funding. She will sign documents, make certifications, and make regular reports to council, among other duties. They named Shannon Perry as the town’s contact person for ARP. The town expects to receive a little more than $227,500. Council passed a resolution authorizing any two council members to sign checks and negotiate instruments on behalf of the town once the ARP money comes in.