Daniel Prince
Between 10-14 generators stolen in this robbery
One week after a theft of 14 generators was reported at Tiger Companies on Midway Drive, the Union County Sheriff’s Office investigated a break-in and more generators stolen at the company. Last Thursday, Cpl. Galen Israel was dispatched to the company’s location on Midway Drive for a possible burglary in progress. The three individuals who reported the crime arrived around 9:30 p.m. to clean the offices. They found the glass door to the conference room busted out. The cleaning crew notified the manager. Deputies arrived and cleared the building. They told Cpl. Israel that when they came to clean the building on Tuesday, the conference room had generators in it. Israel saw three generators in the room, but the crew told him there had been more there on Tuesday. Investigator Brad Woods arrived to process the scene. During the investigation, it was determined the glass was busted out after the generators were taken from the room. It was also determined that a fire extinguisher was used to bust the window out. Somewhere between 10 and 14 generators were taken in the robbery, meaning that between 24 and 28 generators have been stolen from the facility in the span of 8 days. The case has been sent to investigations.