Daniel Prince
Board to receive data on early childhood
The new members of the Union County Board of School Trustees will be sworn in tonight. The meeting will begin at 6:30 p.m. in the Multipurpose Room at the Union County Career and Technology Center. Chief Magistrate Kevin Morrow will administer the oath of office to returning board members Mike Massey and Doc Lipsey and to new board members Mark Truitt, Kelly Shropshire, and Beth Anthony. Following the swearing-in, board officer elections will take place for chair and vice-chair. The current school board chairman is Doc Lipsey, and Dr. Jane Wilkes was the vice-chair.
Superintendent Joey Haney will then give his updates to the board. Finance Director Kelly Richardson will present the monthly finance report. Dr. Stacy Farr, Director of Elementary Education, will present the Early Childhood Data overview to the board. Technology Director Tim Barnado will present required public information on the Children’s Internet Protection Act and Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act. The board must approve the CIPA compliance each year with any modifications that are necessary; this year, no modifications are recommended.
Following that, the board will go into executive session to deal with personnel and contractual matters. Normally, the board opens with an executive session, but due to the swearing-in of new members and board member elections, the executive session will be held near the end of the meeting this month. Back in open session, Personnel Director Jeff Stribble will present the personnel report for approval, as well as an overnight field trip request. After that, the meeting will adjourn.
As a note, the December board meeting will be held earlier in the month than normal due to the Christmas holidays. The next meeting will be Monday, December 12.