Daniel Prince
Plan to detour around closed bridge
Rose Hill State Historic Site will host events the next two weekends. This Saturday from 11-4, Rose Hill will host an event titled “Forging a Life: The Journey From Slavery to Freedom”. Cost for the event is $5 for adults, $2 for children ages 6-15, and free for ages 5 and under. Cash is preferred. They will have a cash-only BBQ food vendor on site throughout the day, as well.
Park Ranger Nate Johnson told WBCU News what makes history come alive at this event:
(audio below story)
The following Saturday, October 22, Rose Hill will host the annual storytelling event, Carolina Tales and Beyond, from 6:30-8:30 p.m. Cost will be $10 per person ages 6 and older. Reservations will be required in advance by calling 427-5966 or emailing rosehill@scprt.com. Reservations are needed by October 19 to reserve your spot.
The bridge on Sardis Road over the Tyger River is still closed to traffic by the SC Department of Transportation, so if you are coming to Rose Hill from town, it will be best to take 49 West to Bombing Range Road to Old Buncombe Road to Sardis Road.