Travis Conn with Jostens and District Teacher of the Year Kristina Stollger
Daniel Prince
Superintendent asks for prayers for family of Alan Simpson
At Monday’s school board meeting, Superintendent Joey Haney gave his updates to the board. He started with a special presentation to District Teacher of the Year Kristina Stollger from Union County High School. Travis Conn from Jostens was on hand to present her with a special ring for the occasion.
The board unanimously voted to change the wording slightly on Board Policy BD, dealing with the electing of officers to the board. The policy previously stated that officers were to be elected during the second meeting in November. Due to the school board’s decision to move to meetings once a month, the wording was changed to read “during the meeting in November”.
He noted the holiday meal across the school district would be this Wednesday, and he encouraged the board members to sign up to visit one of the schools for the lunch.
Haney then asked to keep the family of Alan Simpson, a teacher at Union County High School, in everyone’s thoughts and prayers, as he recently passed away. Haney said the school district has had some difficult losses over the past year and a half of people who meant a lot to the district and to the schools. Simpson’s loss was the latest, and he asked to keep the UCHS family in your prayers, as well.
Haney then expressed from the district wishes for a very merry Christmas and happy holidays.