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School Board to Meet Tonight

Daniel Prince

Rifle team will give presentation, data for the high school will be presented

The Union County Board of School Trustees will hold its regular monthly meeting tonight in the multi-purpose room at the Union County Career and Technology Center. The board will open with an executive session for personnel and contractual matters at 6:30, and the open session will begin at 7:30.

Dr. Gail Wilson Awan, president and CEO of the Urban League of the Upstate, will present a plaque of appreciation to the Union County School Board. The Urban League operates after-school programs in the district. Jane Taylor with the Union County High School Rifle Team will present information to the board. Superintendent Joey Haney will then give his updates and special recognitions. The board will vote on a voting delegate to the Legislative Advocacy Conference on December 3rd. Manning Jeter has expressed interest. The board can also choose an alternate for the conference. Director of Administration Eric Childers will give information on Administrative Rule JKE-R, dealing with the expulsion of students. Director of Instruction Dr. Lacresha Byrd will present an overview of the National Drop-out Prevention Conference. She will also provide an overview of data for Union County High School. Finance Director Kelly Richardson will present the monthly budget report. Personnel Director Jeff Stribble will present the personnel report for approval, as well as an overnight field trip request. After that, the meeting will adjourn.

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00:00 / 01:04
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