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Supervisor Frank Hart Will Not Seek Reelection

Daniel Prince

Hart issues statements touting past seven years' accomplishments

Supervisor Frank Hart released a four-page statement today looking back at the first seven years of his two terms as Union County Supervisor. It touched on successes in healthcare, education, economic development, roads, county facilities, infrastructure, and finance. It also looks ahead to eight major initiatives for this year and beyond.

The big news came at the end, and we quote this from Hart’s statement:

"I have enjoyed the opportunity to serve the people of Union County over the last 9 years (2 on County Council, 7 as Supervisor). It has been an honor to be in a position where you can actually help people when they come to you with a problem or issue. As much as I have enjoyed the role, it is a large commitment which takes a tremendous amount of time from family and requires a lot of sacrifice. After much prayer, I have decided that I will not seek re-election. I initially ran for office with the intentions of going in, working hard to make a difference, and then passing the baton to the next person. In that spirit, I will spend my remaining time moving our current projects to completion and working on an orderly hand-off to the next person who will lead our community forward.

I am proud of what we have accomplished together and what we will accomplish going forward. We have an outstanding group of county employees who work hard each and every day to serve our community. I want to thank them for their dedicated service. I also want to thank the people of Union County for giving me the opportunity to serve in this role. It has been an honor. The future is bright for Union County!"

To date, Phillip Russell is the only person to announce a candidacy for the office of Supervisor; however, filing for the coming election does not open until March 16 and closes on March 30.

You can read Hart’s entire statement on our WBCU Facebook page. We will be spotlighting the other portions of his statement in future newscasts.

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