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Temporary Precinct Locations Announced

Daniel Prince

With school in session, precinct moves were needed

Yesterday, we reported that three precincts will be moved temporarily for the November 2nd special referendum election. The precincts that normally vote at Buffalo, Monarch, and Foster Park Elementary schools will move since school will be in session on Election Day. Union County Elections Director Darlene Pettit told WBCU News that the East Buffalo precinct that normally votes at Buffalo Elementary will instead vote at the National Guard Armory at 165 Industrial Park Road. Monarch Box 1 will move from Monarch Elementary School to Bethel United Methodist Church, at 1705 Lockhart Hwy. Ward 1 Box 1, instead of voting at Foster Park Elementary, will instead vote at Lakeside Baptist Church, at 640 Lakeside Drive. Again, this is a temporary move for this election only. Absentee voting in the referendum is now open.

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