Daniel Prince
Staggered start announced for 4K and 5K students
Today is the first day of school for students for the 2022-2023 school year. There are a couple of changes to let you know about this year. Parents of Monarch Elementary School students are reminded that the traffic flow for car drop off has changed to the same procedure as pick up. They are making the change to help lessen traffic congestion on Highway 49 during the morning commute. Parents dropping students off can enter Munro Street from either Richard or Siam streets. Brown Street will be one way, just like during afternoon dismissal, from 7-8:30 a.m. Monday through Friday. To keep their children safe, the Mon-Aetna Child Enrichment Center reminds parents not to use their road or parking lot to cut through to access the school line, as traffic around the daycare is only for CEC parents and staff.
The school district is participating in the CEP program again, which means all enrolled students will receive breakfast and lunch each day at no cost to them. This year, students will need to know their 5-digit Power School number or use a school-issued badge with a barcode as they come through the serving line.
4K and 5K students will have a staggered start this year. Students in 4K and 5K with last names A-H will attend Monday. Those with last names I-Q will attend Tuesday, and those with last name R-Z will attend Wednesday. All 4K and 5K students will attend starting Thursday.
Elementary schools will dismiss this year at 2:30 p.m. Middle schools will dismiss at around 3 p.m., and Union County High School dismisses at 3:20.