Daniel Prince
Meeting will be first presided over by Supervisor Phillip Russell
Union County Council is set to meet this evening at 5:30 p.m. in the Grand Jury Room at the Union County Courthouse. This will be Supervisor Phillip Russell’s first meeting since being sworn in. The public is invited to attend, and it will be streamed live on the county’s Facebook page (www.facebook.com/GearUpUnionSC).
Prior to the meeting, two public hearings are scheduled. However, one that had been scheduled has been postponed. The previously announced public hearing on the land use ordinance has been postponed until prior to the January meeting. It will be on Tuesday, January 10, 2023, at 5 p.m., pending any action taken by council at tonight’s meeting. The public hearings that are scheduled will begin at 4:50 p.m. on the ordinance to amend the budget to pay for the expected $600,000 roof repair at the former Union Chrysler building. At 5, a public hearing is set for comments on the ordinance to expand a multicounty industrial park owned by the State Ports Authority. The public is invited to attend and participate in those hearings.
The first item of business on the regular meeting agenda is for council to consider second reading of the ordinance establishing regulations governing development of land in unincorporated Union County. Council is expected to table the matter until more work can be done on it by the Planning Commission. Mary Owens is on the schedule next to request a donation for her Sisters on the Move by Faith Education Center. Amy Austin with the Miracle League of Union County will discuss securing grant money to pay for resurfacing of the Miracle League field. David Pittman is on the agenda to discuss the status of the Buffalo Mill Project upgrades. Elise Ashby wants to discuss County Council District 2. Council will then consider any requests to fill vacant budgeted positions and capital funds requests.
After any reports from elected officials, council will consider a resolution authorizing a First Amendment to the fee-in-lieu-of-tax agreement for Volvo. They will hold third reading of an ordinance to amend the budget to pay for the roof repair at the former Union Chrysler building. They will also hold third reading on an ordinance to expand the BMW multi-county park. The final ordinance they will consider is second reading on the tower lease ordinance for Verizon.
Supervisor Phillip Russell will give his first report to council. After any committee reports and any other business, the meeting will adjourn.
The full text on the resolution and ordinances can be found on the county’s website (www.gearupunionsc.com) under the public notices tab.